With the far right on the rise, there’s been an alarming rise in anti-Semitic bigotry in the US and Europe. But rather than confront this threat, Israel and pro-Israel groups have spent millions attacking the non-violent Palestinian BDS movement, while ignoring or even building alliances with the anti-Semitic far right.
Why is Israel supporting anti-Semites? Come learn about the history of the troubled relationship between Zionism and anti-Semitism, and how we can resist both.
This teach-in will look at the growing alliance between Israel and the far right by placing it in the context of the history of European anti-Semitism, Jewish resistance, the history of Zionism, and Jewish alternatives to Zionism.
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International Socialist Organization - Champaign-Urbana
SJP Champaign-Urbana
JVP - Champaign-Urbana